Setting the Location of the Ask/Answer Dialogs
Mac OS 9 Mac OS X Windows Linux

> ok, we have ssl, thanks; but how about a few simple
> things like setting the
> location of ask/answer. until thats done, so how
> does one do it without having
> to make one's own ask/answer critters?
> Thanks
> Andrew

Hi Andrew,

In my projects I use a frontScript like :

on preOpenStack
  if the short name of the target \
     is among the items of "Ask,Answer" then
    set the location of the target to the screenLoc
  end if
  pass preOpenStack
end preOpenStack
The above will center the Ask and Answer dialog boxes, but you could add handlers to change the loc and save it in a local variable of the frontscript. Example :
local sDialogLocationsA
on Andrew_SetDialogLocation pDialogName, pLocation
  put pLocation into sDialogLocationsA[pDialogName]
end Andrew_SetDialogLocation

on preOpenStack
  put the short name of the target into tName
  if tName is among the items of "Ask,Answer" then
    set the location of the target to \
  end if
  pass preOpenStack
end preOpenStack
Posted on 9/27/2004 by Jan Schenkel to the Use Revolution list