Getting the Name of the Boot Volume
Mac OS 9 Mac OS X Windows

> I am working on a MetaCard project that may run from a CD, but
> needs to write to the computer's hard drive. However, I have not
> found a way to get the name of the computer's boot disk if the
> MetaCard program is running on the CD. Does anyone know how to
> reference the boot volume from a CD in MetaCard?

If I understand your question, it sounds like the tempName is what you want.

Perhaps the following would do what you need:
function getBootVolume
  if "Win" is in platform() then
    set itemDel to "\"
    put item 1 of tempName() into tVolume
  end if
  if "Mac" is in platform() then
    put line 1 of the volumes into tVolume
  end if
  return tVolume
end getBootVolume

Posted 3/12/2002 by Scott Rossi to the XTalk List Modified 1/3/2008 by Ken Ray with help from Russell Martin