Avoiding the “Please locate...” Dialog Box For Locating an App
Mac Only Mac Only

> It's tough because there are still XCMD's I'd love to use, one specifically that
> queries Internet Config for the user name, or ones that get the specific machine
> id (I've followed that thread and tried out the final piece of code that was
> cross platform, but it produced a popup dialog window asking for the location
> of Apple System Profiler, as mine is not in the Apple folder. I figure if mine
> isn't, others aren't, and I'd rather avoid having someone else get that dialog
> and wanting to know what it's all about.)

I don't remember the original post very well, but if it was an AppleScript, the dialog is avoidable. Check out:
http://www.AppleScriptSourcebook.com/tips/tellbyvariable.html and
If for any reason they're not available, check with me off-list -- I have the text.

Posted 3/13/2002 by Geoff Canyon to the MetaCard List   (See the complete post/thread)