Mac OS 9 Mac OS X Windows Linux

put stsGetFileListing("/Users/kenray/MyFolder")
put stsGetFileListing("/Users/kenray/MyFolder",".jpg","true")
Gets a list of full paths to files. You can format the result using stsFormatFileListing.
Select the code below and copy it to the clipboard, or retrieve it from Scripter's Scrapbook Online.
function stsGetFileListing pFolder,pFilterType,pIsRecursive,pIncludeInvisible
  put ((pIsRecursive <> "false") and (pIsRecursive <> "")) into tRecursive
  put ((pIncludeInvisible <> "false") and (pIncludeInvisible <> "")) into tIncludeInvisible
  if there is a folder pFolder then
    put the directory into tOldDir
    put _stsWalkDir(pFolder,pFilterType,tRecursive,tIncludeInvisible) into tList
    replace "//" with "/" in tList
    set the directory to tOldDir
    if pFilterType <> "" then
      switch (the platform)
      case "MacOS"
        if "." is not in pFilterType then
          -- assume Mac Type Code
          filter tList with ("*" & pFilterType)
          replace (tab & pFilterType) with "" in tList
          -- assume file extension
          filter tList with ("*" & pFilterType & tab & "*")
          put cr after tList
          put replaceText(tList,tab&".*\n",CR) into tList
          if last char of tList is CR then delete last char of tList
        end if
        if char 1 of pFilterType <> "." then put "." before pFilterType
        filter tList with ("*" & pFilterType)
        return tList
      end switch
      return tList
    end if
    return "Error: Folder does not exist at '" & pFolder & "'."
  end if
end stsGetFileListing

function _stsWalkDir pPath,pFilterType,pRecursive,pIncludeInvisible
  put empty into tRetVal
  set the directory to pPath
  put 0 into tItemCount
  put the long files into tFiles
  if tFiles <> "" then
    repeat for each line tFile in tFiles
      if (pFilterType <> "") and (the platform is "MacOS") then
        put urlDecode(item 1 of tFile) & tab & (item -1 of tFile) into tData
        put urlDecode(item 1 of tFile) into tData
      end if
      if (tFile <> ".") and (tFile <> "..") then
        if pIncludeInvisible <> "true" then
          if char 1 of tFile <> "." then
            put pPath & "/" & tData & cr after tRetVal
            add 1 to tItemCount
          end if
          put pPath & "/" & tData & cr after tRetVal
          add 1 to tItemCount
        end if
      end if
    end repeat
  end if
  if pRecursive <> "true" then return tRetVal
  put the folders into tFolders
  repeat for each line tFolder in tFolders
    if (tFolder <> ".") and (tFolder <> "..") then
      if pIncludeInvisible <> "true" then
        if char 1 of tFolder <> "." then
          add 1 to tItemCount
          put _stsWalkDir(pPath & "/" & tFolder,pFilterType,pRecursive,pIncludeInvisible) after tRetVal
        end if
        add 1 to tItemCount
        put _stsWalkDir(pPath & "/" & tFolder,pFilterType,pRecursive,pIncludeInvisible) after tRetVal
      end if
    end if
  end repeat
  if tItemCount = 0 then
    -- folder has nothing to display
    put pPath & "/" & cr after tRetVal
  end if
  return tRetVal
end _stsWalkDir