Mac OS X Windows

put stsCreateShortcut(tPath,tAliasPath)
put stsCreateShortcut(tPath,specialFolderPath(35),"MyAlias")
Creates an alias on Mac and Windows, getting around a bug in Rev where you can't create aliases to folders or disks (which includes OS X apps). Note: Creating aliases to network volumes on Mac OS X does not work. Note also that this code now no longer supports any non-OS X Mac System.

Select the code below and copy it to the clipboard, or retrieve it from Scripter's Scrapbook Online.
on stsCreateShortcut pOrigFilePath,pAliasLoc,pShortcutName
  -- Gets around a bug in Rev where you can't use 'create alias' on OS X bundles
  -- pAliasLoc can either be a folder path, a file path, or a specialFolderPath name.
  -- If supplied as a folder (or SFP), pShortCutName is used to name the shortcut
  -- If supplied as a file, the shortcut name is the file name in the supplied path

  -- First, check pOrigFilePath to confirm its existence
  if (the platform is "MacOS") and char -4 to -1 of pOrigFilePath = ".app" then
    -- need to check for a folder by that name
    put (there is a folder pOrigFilePath) into tFound
    put "folder" into tType
    put (there is a folder pOrigFilePath) into tFound
    if not(tFound) then
      put (there is a file pOrigFilePath) into tFound
      put "file" into tType
      put "folder" into tType
    end if
  end if
  if not(tFound) then
    return "Error: Original file path at '" & pOrigFilePath & "' could not be found."
  end if
  if "/" is not in pAliasLoc then 
    -- assume it is a specialFolderPath name
    put specialFolderPath(pAliasLoc) into pAliasLoc
    if pAliasLoc="" then
      -- something wrong with the SFP name
      return "Error: Alias path at '" & pAliasLoc & "' could not be found."
    end if
  end if
  if pShortCutName <> "" then
    put pAliasLoc & "/" & pShortcutName into pAliasLoc
  end if
  set the itemDel to "/"
  put item 1 to -2 of pAliasLoc into tFolder
  put item -1 of pAliasLoc into pShortCutName
  if there is not a folder tFolder then
    return "Error: Folder for alias at '" & tFolder & "' could not be found."
  end if
  set the itemDel to ","

  switch (the platform)
  case "MacOS"  -- assumes OS X
    if tType = "folder" then
      put "ln -s" && quote & pOrigFilePath & quote && quote & pAliasLoc  & quote into tCmd
      get shell(tCmd)
      create alias pAliasLoc to file pOrigFilePath
    end if
  case "Win32"
    -- Works for files, folders, and disks
    if char -4 to -1 of pAliasLoc <> ".lnk" then put ".lnk" after pAliasLoc
    create alias pAliasLoc to file pOrigFilePath
  end switch
  if "error" is not in the result then return ""
end stsCreateShortcut
Change History

Date Description
Changed to use 'ln' for aliasing; removed OS 9 support.
Initial posting